import os import requests chat_id = os.getenv('INPUT_CHAT_ID') if chat_id == "": raise SystemExit('Variable chat_id is required. Exit.') token = os.getenv('INPUT_TOKEN') if token == "": raise SystemExit('Variable chat_id is required. Exit.') status = os.getenv('INPUT_STATUS') commit = os.getenv('INPUT_COMMIT_MESSAGE') include_commit_info = os.getenv('INPUT_INCLUDE_COMMIT_INFO') docker_tags = os.getenv('INPUT_DOCKER_TAGS') custom_message = os.getenv('INPUT_MESSAGE') link=f'{token}/sendMessage' icon = { "failure": "🔴", "cancelled": "⚪", "success": "🟢", } #GitHub environment variables github_workflow = os.getenv('GITHUB_WORKFLOW') github_repository = os.getenv('GITHUB_REPOSITORY') github_sha = os.getenv('GITHUB_SHA') github_actor = os.getenv('GITHUB_ACTOR') tag = os.getenv('GITHUB_REF') commit_link = f'{github_repository}/commit/{github_sha}' def get_version(tag_string): '''GITHUB_REF contain "refs/tags/v0.0.2" or "refs/heads/main". If second part is "tags", return tag with version number, else - None''' tags = tag_string.split("/") return tags[2] if tags[1] == "tags" else None def build_message(): '''Building message from different parts''' message = f'''{icon[status]} {status}: {github_workflow}\n Repository: {github_repository}''' version = get_version(tag) if version is not None: message = f'''{message} Version: {version}''' if docker_tags != "": message = f'''{message} Docker image tags: {docker_tags}''' if include_commit_info == "true": message = f'''{message} Author: {github_actor} Commit message: {commit} See changes''' return message def send_message(): '''Sending message to telegram chat''' message = build_message() if custom_message == "" else custom_message parameters = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': message, 'parse_mode': 'HTML', 'disable_web_page_preview': True } request = requests.get(link, params = parameters) request.raise_for_status() send_message()